
C-1107 Construction GroutC-1107 Construction Grout Size/Package: 50 lb (22.7 kg) bag (Grey)Product#: c-1107

High Strength Precision GroutHigh Strength Precision Grout Size/Package: 50 lb (22.7 kg) bag (Grey)Product#: high_strength_grout

Slab Bedding GroutIdeal for bedding grout for precast concrete roadway panels.Product#: slab-bedding-grout

Slab Dowel GroutSpecifically designed to compliment precast concrete slab placement. Fill inverted dovetail slots in precast slabsProduct#: slab-dowel-grout
Sika / King
SikaGrout®-212SikaGrout®-212 is a non-shrink, cementitious grout with a unique two-stage shrinkage compensating mechanism, compensating for shrinkage in both the plastic and the hardened states. It is non-metallic, contains no chlorides and may be placed at various consistencies ranging from dry pack to fluid by simply adjusting the quantity of mixing water.Product#: sikagrout_212
FA-S6FA-S6 is a high performance, pre-packaged, concrete repair material for partial depth repairs. It is a pre-blended, synthetic fibre-reinforced, pre-packaged, high performance, cementitious, concrete repair material containing Portland cement, fly ash, air-entraining admixture, 6 mm (¼ in) stone and other carefully selected components.Product#: FA-S6
King® 1-1-6 The King® 1-1-6 is a premixed, factory-bagged mortar specially designed for use when laying bricks, natural stones, concrete blocks and other masonry products. King® 1-1-6 is formulated with Portland Cement, Type S hydrated lime, air-entraining admixture, and masonry sand with masonry sand with controlled grain size. Product#: king_1-1-6
King® BlockKing® Block is a premixed, factory-bagged type S mortar specially designed for laying bricks, natural stone, concrete blocks and other masonry products where higher compressive strength is required. King® Block is formulated with cementitious materials, an air-entraining admixture and masonry sand with controlled grain size.Product#: king_block

Sika MonoTop®-623 FSika MonoTop®-623 F is a one-component, polymer-modified, fibre-reinforced and early strength-gaining, cementitious mortar for overhead and vertical concrete repair and reprofiling. It is based upon Sika’s internationally proven and established MonoTop® technology, designed for effective repairs and with the environment in mind.Product#: sika_monotop_623_F
Sikacrete®-08 SCCSikacrete®-08 SCC is a ready-to-use, highly flowable, self-compacting, cement-based concrete, usable for concrete thickness between 25 and 450 mm (1 and 18 in).Product#: sikacrete_08_SCC
SikaQuick®-1000SikaQuick®-1000 is a 1-component, rapid-hardening, early-strength gaining, cementitious, patching material for concrete.Product#: sikaquick_1000
SikaTop®-123 PlusSikaTop®-123 Plus is a high performance, polymer-modified, 2-component, fast-setting, non sag cementitious mortar. It is designed especially for repair of overhead and vertical surfaces and is formulated with a migrating corrosion inhibitor to reduce corrosion. Product#: sika_top_123_plus
Concrete Repair

High Strength Precision GroutCombines high fluidity, excellent working time and early strength build insuring quick job start ups, thereby reducing costs.Product#: high-strength-precision-grout

RubCreteInterior or exterior concrete walls including: Masonry block, Poured in place, Tilt up panels, Precast structures.Product#: rubcrete

BlendCreteBlendCrete Sizes/Packages: 50 lb (22.7 kg) bagProduct#: blendcrete

Instant Hydraulic CementInstant Hydraulic Cement Size/Package: 50 lb (22.7 kg) pail (Grey)Product#: instant-hydraulic-cement

Premium Patch 100Premium Patch 100 Size/Package: 50 lb (22.7 kg) bag (Grey)Product#: premium_100

Premium Patch 200Premium Patch 200 Size/Package: 50 lb (22.7 kg) bag (Grey)Product#: premium_200

Construction MeshConcrete floors - Driveways - Septic tanks - Manure pits - Balconies Product#: construction_mesh

Continuous High ChairsUsing continuous high chairs is a fast and easy way to install mesh and rebar. Greatly appreciated by the workers for being adjustable and light, the continuous high chairs are economic accessories for your concrete projects.Product#: continuous_chair

Reinforcing barsOffered in 10M and 15M - Available in various lengths (2', 4', 6', 10', 20') - W-grade (weldable) product - Manufactures according to the CAN/CSA-G30.18 standard - Custom lengths upon request Product#: rebar_duchesne

Wire CoilsConcrete pipe precaster with a cage machine wireProduct#: wire_coils