
TREMstop® Acrylic An Acrylic Latex Firestop SealantTREMstop® Acrylic is a gunnable acrylic latex sealant designed for use in firestop applications, including both joints and through-penetrations.Product#: tremstop-acrylic
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TREMstop® Acrylic Spray A Sprayable Acrylic Latex SealantTREMstop® Acrylic Spray is a sprayable acrylic latex sealant designed for use in firestop applications, including both joints and through-penetrations.Product#: tremstop-acrylic-spray
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TREMstop® Fyre-SilGun-Grade Silicone Sealant TREMstop® Fyre-Sil is a gun-grade, neutral-cure silicone sealant designed for use in firestop applications, including both joints and through-penetrations. Self-Leveling Silicone Sealant TREMstop® Fyre-Sil SL is a self-leveling, neutral-cure silicone sealant designed for use in firestop applications, including both joints and throughpenetrations.Product#: tremstop-fyre-sil
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TREMstop® Smoke & Sound Sealant A Gun-Grade Acrylic Latex SealantTREMstop® Smoke & Sound Sealant is an acrylic latex sealant for use in smoke rated partitions or joints and to prevent sound transmission through unprotected openings.Product#: tremstop-smoke-sound-sealant
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GrabberGard EFC Endothermic Fire Caulk 10 oz. TubeGrabberGard EFC is a single component smoke and fire stopping sealant for wall and floor penetrations and other construction gap applications. During a fire, GrabberGard EFC absorbs heat and provides a fire barrier against fire and smoke.Product#: grabberguard
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GrabberGard IFC Intumescent Fire Caulk 20 oz. Sausage PackGrabberGard IFC is a single component smoke and fire stopping sealant for wall and floor penetrations and other construction gap applications. During a fire, GrabberGard IFC expands to maintain a tight seal against fire and smoke.Product#: grabbergard_sausage
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Dymonic® FC High-Performance, Fast-Curing, Single-Component, Hybrid SealantDymonic® FC is a high-performance, fast-curing, single-component, low-modulus, hybrid sealant, formulated with proprietary silane end-capped polymer technology.Product#: dymonic-fc
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TREMstop® Smoke & Sound Spray A Sprayable Acrylic Latex SealantTREMstop® Smoke & Sound Spray is an acrylic latex sealant for use in smoke rated partitions or joints and to prevent sound transmission through unprotected openings.Product#: tremstop-smoke-sound-spray
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TREMstop® SuperStrip A Graphite-Based Intumescent Wrap StripTREMstop® SuperStrip is made of a flexible graphite-based intumescent compound with polyethylene backer. It is designed to expand when exposed to a fire to fill any voids left as the combustible materials burn away.Product#: tremstop-superstrip
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TREMstop® Fire Mortar Firestopping MortarTREMstop® Fire Mortar is a one-part, fast setting, fire resistive microsilica compound.Product#: tremstop-fire-mortar
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TREMstop® FS Blanket A Firestopping Fiber BlanketTREMstop® FS Blanket is a bio-soluble fiber insulation developed from a calcia, magnesia, silica chemistry to provide thermal insulation at operating temperatures up to 1832 °F (1000 °C).Product#: tremstop-fs-blanket
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TREMstop® MCR A Metal Restricting CollarTREMstop® MCR is a metal restricting collar for use with TREMstop SuperStrip to fabricate a firestop device in the field to fit a hub or uncommon pipe size.Product#: tremstop-mcr
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